Unit 1: Evaluation

Please take 10 minutes to help us improve our e-learning courses by filling the questionnaire underneath. Your answers will be recorded only for evaluation purposes. The collected data will be kept separately from your personal details (like name) and it will be managed by our data specialists, so your responses will be anonymous  to the organizers of the trainings.   There are no right or wrong answers, and your feedback is very valuable for us. Thank you!

1. General rating of the course *

How do you rate the course in which you participated in general? (1 star - minimum grade, 10 stars- maximum grade)

2. Course participation *

Choose how much you agree with each statement:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I have put much effort into completing the course
I obtained new knowledge during the training
The objectives of the training were clearly defined
The subjects in the course were adjusted to my needs
My expectations for this training were met
The knowledge from the course will be useful for me

3. Course content and trainer: *

Choose how much you agree with each statement:

  Strongly Disagree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Course content was well organized and well planned
The materials used in the course were interesting
The trainer had thorough knowledge of the subject
I spent more time doing the materials than I was prepared

4. Amount of information & duration *

How do you rate amount of information and duration of the course?

  Not enough Almost enough Enough Bit too much Too much
Information in the course was:
Duration of the course was:

5. Difficulty level: *

Please rate how difficult those elements of the course were for you:

  Very difficult Quite difficult Alright Quite easy Very easy
Texts and presentations were:

6. Comments: course materials

Do you have any other comments and suggestions about course materials and trainers preparation?

7. Technical aspects of the course: *

How much you agree with those statements?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
I had trouble accessing computer or internet
I had technical problems while using the e-learning platform
I didn't know how to use the PCPM E-learning platform
I had to ask for technical help during the course

8. Communication and organization *

How much do you agree with those statements about communication with organizers?

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I had all the information about course organization and plan
I had all the information about requirements to pass the course
I had technical support from the organizers
The questions I had were answered by the organizers

9. Comments: technical & communication

Do you have any other comments and suggestions about using the e-learning platform and communication with organizers?

10. Devices *

What did you use to do the course? (you may choose multiple)

11. Additional comments

Do you have any other comments or suggestions for the organizers?

Created with Perfect Survey